The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Champaign, OH:  Peaceful, Easy Feeling

‘Cause I got a peaceful easy feeling…
And I know you won’t let me down…
‘Cause I’m already standing…
On the ground…
(Peaceful Easy Feeling-The Eagles)

Hello, little local market of love customers!! Your market manager is finally seeing the light of day now that all of Art Affair On The Square has been put away for the year!! It is unbelievable just how much work goes into that event, over the months beginning in December, and then escalating to mad proportions, all of July.

My time has been scarce, I didn’t have as much time to write this Weblog, or connect with my people, or, well, have anything resembling a life. But, I love it. I love what the event brings to the community, and I love making things happen.

Last week found me catching up on much needed sleep, laundry, and all things mundane. This week found me catching up on all things with my business, and my friends. My friends are the first that I have to part from in my busy times. But, they are also the first to understand, to text me good luck, to bring me coffee, wine, food, a hug. My friends and family are totally neglected during Art Affair.

But, now, this week, found me meeting pals out for drinks, planning dinners, making wine/champagne dates…just what I love to do in my down time. I finally am regaining that peaceful, easy feeling.

And, I am happy to be totally back on this market. I miss the daily interactions, I missed writing this Weblog, and I miss my vending people/customers.

So, I am back, I NEED time to get my own order in, and so while I am going through the market, you, the lovely customers get until 10:30 to still get YOUR orders in!!

Come on…get that peaceful easy feeling that we all get when we place an order.

We make shopping, fun, affordable, pleasant, local, and full of nutrition!

Show us some LOVE, and we will show you that peaceful, easy feeling…

Peace, Love, Good Vibes…
Cosmic Pam

New Field Farm's Online Market:  Garlic and more


Tomorrow is garlic harvest day so we’ll have it to order for this week’s market.

We’ve also added Sakura cherry tomatoes which are larger than our usual variety and well-received at farmer’s market this year. Later, we’ll also have Sweet 100 cherry tomatoes from the field, nature willing.

Pepper and eggplant amounts are a guess. Maybe now that summer is here they’ll finally be plenty before too long.

Like last week, if you want blueberries it’s helpful to us if you order by Wednesday night.

Blueberries are still abundant for u-pick.

We got sadly surprised by porcupines this week who got into the first planting of broccoli and much of the cabbage and largely destroyed it all very quickly. I’ve never seen that before! We’ll be diligent now about keeping them out of later plantings.

Enjoy the summer weather or keep cool, and thank you for your orders.


Old99Farm Market:  Old 99 Farm,. week of July 26 2015

First, no fruit from Palatine because only had 7 boxes committed from y’all, and I need 10 minimum. Lets try again next week.

Tomatoes are ripening in the greenhouse, the plum variety and new spinach is available. Summer squash joins zucchini in the curcurbit family of offerings.

As of July 26th, we can offer 46 items including the following crops: zucchini, plum tomatoes, spinach, cilantro, basil, napa and early white cabbage, arugula (rocket), kale, three varieties of chard, cabbage leaves, collards, and beetgreens, peppers, eggplant, summer squash. There are lots of eggs but they’re selling as fast as I can make ’em.

Almost 700 000 viewers on youtube have wondered what environmental devastation actually looks like. Do you? At TEDxVictoria, photographer Garth Lenz shares shocking photos of the Alberta Tar Sands mining project — and the beautiful (and vital) ecosystems under threat.
Go here!

What does environmental devastation actually look like? At TEDxVictoria, photographer Garth Lenz shares shocking photos of the Alberta Tar Sands mining project — and the beautiful (and vital) ecosystems under threat. Go here to view his ted talk.

Healthy happy eating,
Ian and Cami

ALFN Local Food Club:  Market Reminder

Good Morning,

The market will close tomorrow at noon. Please remember to make your order before 12:00 on Wednesday!

Introducing Volunteer Spot

I have been wanting to use a system where volunteers could sign up in advance to market days beyond the upcoming week. I’ve decided to try Volunteer Spot. The website provides a way for volunteers to sign up for shifts, and I have scheduled out market days from this week till the end of the year. I will still send out calls for help if I am short on Fridays, but I hope this will help some of those volunteers who like to plan in advance. Later today, I will email all volunteers who have signed up to my email list. However, you can also sign up by following the link here: Volunteer Spot. I will usually provide this link in all of my weblogs. Emails are only used to communicate within the group, and Volunteer Spot will not contact you directly. Let’s give this a try and see if it helps us.

As a reminder, remember this week’s market day is the first of August and marks the shift from monthly membership fees of $5.00 to $7.50. However, as stated previously, the annual fee of $60 will not change for those who decide to pay the one time annual fee. Volunteers may continue to receive a $5 credit to their account balance or a $7.50 credit to their monthly membership.

Please let me know if you have any questions!


Kyle Holton
Program & Market Manager

CLG:  Tuesday Reminder - Market Closes Tonight at 10pm.

Hello Friends,
There’s still time to place your order for pickup this Friday, July 31st . The market closes TONIGHT around 10pm.

How to contact us:


Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039

Email: Steve –

Our Website:

On Facebook:

GFM :  Veggies and More Veggies

The online market is open for your shopping pleasure.

Just a reminder, that we are now open on Wednesdays, under the livestock pavilion of the Greene County Fairgrounds, from 3 pm to 6 pm, or sell out.

If you don’t want to wait to Saturday, come on out and see us. We may be few in numbers, but we have a lot of great, fresh, local produce.

The vendors of the Greeneville Farmers Market.

Fountain Fresh Dairy LLC:  Pickup time change

Hello everyone,
We have changed the pickup time on Thursday to 3pm-5pm. Thanks!

Heirloom Living Market Hamilton Mill:  Last Call - Countdown to Market Close!

Market Closes at 8:00pm TONIGHT!

Thank you to those who have already placed orders!

Please remember that minimums must be met for each Market to ensure delivery by our Farmers! As of this time, orders are slightly more than 1/2 the minimum needed.

If orders do not meet the minimum at close of Market, pickup will be available at the Lawrenceville location. Email will be sent after Market close at 8:00pm tonight if pickup location needs to be changed.

Be sure and get your order in and thank you for supporting our LOCAL Farmers!

Take me to Hamilton Mill Market

Hamilton Mill Members
Pickup Location

Crossfit PURE
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Pickup Location: Crossfit PURE
1342 Auburn Rd.
Dacula, GA 30019
Click Here for Map

Hop on over to the Hamilton Mill Market

Please know that we appreciate the support of Crossfit PURE for the use of the great space for Market. We are grateful for you and for your support of our dedicated, LOCAL Farmers/Growers and Artisans.

Order now since you are just a click way!

Happy shopping!

Take me to the Hamilton Mill Market

Yalaha, FL:  July 27-30, 2015 Ordering

New Product, Only available at limited times each year because we do not harvest fish weekly.
Channel Catfish.
Fresh Harvested, Whole NOT cleaned.
Average fish is 3 or 4 lb.
Smallest order is 1 3 lb fish. ($3 per lb so $9 minimum order.) You bring a cooler and ice to get it home.
Aquaponically raised.
These catfish are fed floating feed in tanks with water constantly cleaned and filtered by aquaponic systems. Our fish are not bottom feeders.
We harvest at pickup time. Fish are placed into water with CO2 to kill them as quick and painlessly (for both fish and people) as possible.
Then we pack into your cooler with ice you bring.
We are not able to clean or fillet fish for you because we do not have a commercial certified kitchen to process them in.
Must Pick up on Friday July 31, 2015 between 1 and 3 pm.

Martin's Farmstand:  Blackberries and beets

The wild blackberries are ripe!There are several girls wildcrafting blackberries for the stand. Most days we have fresh picked berries by noon. The sunflowers are beautiful this morning. They would look good on a table along with a well-cooked meal. The glads are sending lots of flower spikes up and will become abundant with in a few days. We have beans and beets by the 1/2 bushel for canning.
The cucumber vines grew extra slow during the abundant rain in June and now are growing nice and big. We have started picking a few outside cukes, not many yet as the vines where still small when these flowers set fruit. Next week we should have floods of pickles and cukes for canning.
I picked the first sweet corn today. I stopped after picking one bag as most of the patch is not quite ready yet. By Wednesday it should be abundant. Last year it was July 30 till corn was ready. Daniel