The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Northeast Georgia Locally Grown: Northeast Georgia Locallygrown availabity list
Good Evening Locavores
The market is now open for orders. Good shopping and plan some hearty comfort food for this chilly fall weekend.
Carolina Foothills, SC: Market is Open!!!!
Hello All,
Sorry this is a little late, no internet. We lost it yesterday afternoon. Anyway, it’s back so here I am.
I hope this finds everyone well.
Come in take a look around, many New items.
Have fun,
Independence,VA: The MArket is open for pickup October 23rd
Friends of the Market,
We had a lively 1st Market. Thanks for your patience as we remember how to do things! If you have questions, feel free to email me at or call 276-768-0597. Pickup is Fridays from 10-noon in the conference room (across from the gift shop)in the 1908 Courthouse. Please bring cash or checks. You’ll still be dealing with each individual vendor.
Happy shopping!Here are the links:
you can also get there from the webpage,
Thanks and hope to see you Friday!
RED CLAY MARKET NOW OPEN IN EVANS – The next generation of local farmers markets is now open at a beautiful storefront called the “Red Clay Market.” Owned by the fabulous Chef Erica Chaney, this place is deeply dedicated to moving the local foods movement forward in Columbia County. Bonus: you can now support your local farmers by shopping on a daily basis! The store is located at 4460 Washington Road, Suite 19, Evans. The list of participating farmers continues to grow, including:
- Bottle Tree Farm, Augusta, GA
- Brown’s Place, Grovetown, GA
- Clyde’s Fresh Produce, Grovetown, GA
- Country Sweets, Wrens, GA
- East Georgia Produce, Bartow, GA
- JandL Farm & Stables, Hephzibah, GA
- Savannah River Farm, Sylvania, GA
- Trail Ridge Goat Dairy, Aiken, SC
- White Hills Farm, Dearing, GA
SAT, OCT 17 – G.R.O.W. HARRISBURG WORK DAY – We’ll paint a “Farmacy at the Harrisburg Family Healthcare Clinic,” work on raised beds at Icebox Ministries, and plant blueberry bushes at Ms Willie’s … all in a day’s work in the downtown neighborhood of Harrisburg. 9am-4pm. What a great way to get those service hours done! And yep! We always serve a fabulous lunch to our volunteers: veggie lasagna and salad again this month! Email to get the address!
SUN, OCT 18 – FALL FARM FEST AT CLYDE’S FRESH PRODUCE – Tour this local, Certified Naturally Grown farm in Grovetown. Get to know your farmers! Bring the kids. Buy fresh from the farm. Taste sweet and savory pumpkin recipes. 2pm-6pm.
TUE, OCT 20 – DOWNTOWN MARKET MANAGER CHANGE-UP – Tara’s taking a much-deserved break this month from our downtown on-line market pick-up location. Kim will take up the reigns while she’s gone. If you’ve got to reach your market manager during those two weeks, don’t call Tara! Call Kim at 706-288-7895.
THU, OCT 22 – KIDS WITH A FUTURE GARDENING PROGRAM – Our fall youth gardening program starts this month, in partnership with the Kids with a Future After School Program at St. Luke UMC in Harrisburg. A few extra volunteer hands would be welcome! 4pm-5:3pm. Contact if you’d like to help.
SUN, OCT 25 – WINE CAP MUSHROOM CULTIVATION WORKSHOP – Join local mushroom farmer Matthew Kelly at Honey Creek Mushrooms in Martinez. This is a rare, 3-hour, hands-on opportunity to learn from a local guru. Tastings and nutritional information about other varieties, including oyster mushrooms, lions mane, and shitake will also be shared. Workshop is $25/person. 1pm-4pm. Take-home spawn to grow-your-own can also be purchased for an additional cost. Space is limited. Order tickets by email:
MON, OCT 26 – ALG AT THE KIWANINS CLUB – Looking forward to sharing the news about our educational initiatives, including G.R.O.W. Harrisburg, with this local group, the 4th largest Kiwanis Club in the world! Thanks for the invitation!
TUE, OCT 27 – CLOSING DAY OF THE VEGGIE TRUCK FARMERS MARKET – Join the GROW Harrisburg team along with the Augusta Junior League and Wholesome Wave Georgia as we put on a Halloween theme community meal and healthy kids festival. 4pm-7pm. 1850 Broad Street, Augusta. Across from the Kroc Center.
FRI, OCT 30 – AUGUSTA CHEFS’ WHOLESALE ON-LINE MARKET OFFICIAL LAUNCH! – Downtown market manager Tara Roberts is putting the final touches on our new Wholesale Market for local chefs. Hugs to her! We’ll experiment during the month of October with a few farmers and chefs. Our goal is to have it running smoothly for the holidays.
FRI, OCT 30 – AUGUSTA EATS LOCAL CAMPAIGN – Just got word that the Georgia Food Oasis will sponsor our “Augusta Eats Local” campaign, starting this month. What a great way for our community to acknowledging local chefs who support local farmers. We’re recruiting a few more volunteers to help with this down-right-delicious campaign! Email if you’d like to be involved.
SAT, OCT 31 – HAUNTED HARRISBURG: MEET THE NEIGHBORHOOD’S FRIENDLY GHOSTS – ALG will join efforts with GRU students and Harrisburg residents to host a botanical clean up and children’s carnival, including healthy snacks, at the Rollersville Cemetery in Harrisburg. Volunteers definitely needed! Times: 9am-3pm.
SAT, OCT 31 – ROAD TRIP TO ASHEVILLE FOR THE SOUTHEASTERN ANIMAL FIBER FAIR – Join the gifted local fiber farmers of Southern Made for a road trip to the much-talked about “Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair” (SAFF) on Sat, Oct 31. For $50 you’ll be sharing the cost of a van, gas, parking. Better yet, you’ll have wonderful company and you won’t have to drive! Contact Susannah at 706-401-8446 to enroll.
MON, NOV 2 – MEET & GREET FOR THE TEDX AUGUSTA SPEAKERS – What better way to embrace our community’s movers and shakers than by feeding them local foods and introducing them to the people who grow it. Volunteer farmers and cooks: we need you for this one!
TUE, NOV 3 – TURKEY ROSE GARDEN CLUB – We always appreciate the opportunity to speak to garden clubs about local foods. Want to add us to your calendar? Contact
THU, NOV 5 – AUGUSTA FOOD OASIS – It’s time to get this thing rolling! We’ll host our second meeting of Local Food Activists on Thursday, November 5, 6pm-8pm. The gathering will be held at “The” on Telfair Street & 5th, in Augusta. If you want to help create a more vibrant local foods culture in the CSRA, then please know: you are invited!!!! Email for more info.
SAT, NOV 7 – MAKE SPA-GRADE PRODUCTS: A WORKSHOP AT WHITE HILLS FARM – Once again, Lisa Kessler will share her herbal secrets, much to the delight of the rest of us! This workshop runs 10am-2:30pm, with crafting of three bath and beauty preparations. You will learn to make balms, scrubs and body butters using organic herbs and oils and will receive the latest information on best preparation practices. Fun and relaxing! Lisa will also serve a teatime lunch with dessert! Cost is $32/person. Register by email at or through this ALG on-line market.
JAN 29 – TEDX AUGUSTA – We’re very excited to again play a part in helping with the TedxAugusta event in 2016. What a great way to promote local foods among our community’s deep thinkers. Wanna help that day, or in the months leading up to it? Contact
Heirloom Living Market Lilburn: Market is Open and other news!
The Market is now Open…Happy Shopping!
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 4:30 – 6:30pm
Pickup Location: All Saints Lutheran Church
722 Rockbridge Road SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
We have a new home for Lawrenceville Market!
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Pickup Location: Building located at
1385 Winder Highway
Dacula, GA 30019
Click Here for Map
It is a wonderful spot and I am most appreciative to the Park family for their offer!
Order now since you are just a click way!
Azure Standard
Azure Standard Order Deadline: Tuesday, November 3rd 6:00pm
Azure Standard Pickup: Monday, November 9th at 11:30am
Pickup Location: 963 Buford Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Drop #: 796431 Route: Q5
Drop Name: Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville
Drop Coordinator: Maryanne Vaeth
Contact Information: Email Drop Coordinator
Phone: 404-432-4337
This Group on Facebook will keep you up to date on the “happenings” with this service!
Azure Standard Lawrenceville Drop Information: My Azure Standard Drop Lawrenceville
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Heirloom Living Market Hamilton Mill: Market is Open and other news!
The Market is now Open…Happy Shopping!
Pickup Location
Crossfit PURE
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Pickup Location: Crossfit PURE
1342 Auburn Rd.
Dacula, GA 30019
Click Here for Map
Order now since you are just a click way!
We have a new home for Lawrenceville Market!
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Pickup Location: Building located at
1385 Winder Highway
Dacula, GA 30019
Click Here for Map
It is a wonderful spot and I am most appreciative to the Park family for their offer!
Azure Standard
Azure Standard Order Deadline: Tuesday, November 3rd
Azure Standard Pickup: Monday, November 9th 11:30am
Pickup Location: 963 Buford Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Drop #: 796431 Route: Q5
Drop Name: Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville
Drop Coordinator: Maryanne Vaeth
Contact Information: Email Drop Coordinator
Phone: 404-432-4337
This Group on Facebook will keep you up to date on the “happenings” with this service!
Azure Standard Lawrenceville Drop Information: My Azure Standard Drop Lawrenceville
Thank you for taking the time to read this bit of information!
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville : We have a NEW HOME!
We have a new home!
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Pickup Location: Building located at
1385 Winder Highway
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Click Here for Map
The driveway is on your left if you are coming from 316. The drive extend quite a distance from the road back to the home and the building that we will be using. I will send specifics in the newsletter! It is a wonderful spot and I am most appreciative to the Park family for their offer!
The Market is now Open…Happy Shopping!
Take me to the Crossfit Market.
Order now since you are just a click way!
Azure Standard
Azure Standard Pickup: Monday, November 9th at 11:30am
Pickup Location: 963 Buford Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Drop #: 796431 Route: Q5
Drop Name: Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville
Drop Coordinator: Maryanne Vaeth
Contact Information: Email Drop Coordinator
Phone: 404-432-4337
This Group on Facebook will keep you up to date on the “happenings” with this service!
Azure Standard Lawrenceville Drop Information: My Azure Standard Drop Lawrenceville
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
DeForest, WI: Market hours today
Just a reminder that the hours of the market have now changed to 4-6pm to give the farmers a little more time to harvest.
If you didn’t get an order in this week, you can still show up and purchase from what is available.
Joyful Noise Acres Farm: The market is open for orders.
Good morning friends. The market is open for ordering and the goodies abound. We have a new supply of ground lamb, ground beef and chuck roasts in the freezer. We also have baby back and spare ribs in the freezer.
We are mostly sold out of cheese but do have a 5 lb block of cheddar cheese if you want to freeze some for later use. I grate it and freeze it loose then bag it after it freezes.
The laying hens have really slowed down so no eggs are listed on the market. They will be processed on the 24th. If you have any laying hens that aren’t laying and you don’t want to process them, let me know and we will try to help you out.
Several of you have asked about getting the jars to Cherokee Market after our market closes. Continue to bring your jars here and I will take them to cherokee market after we close. I will finish working out the details with Lisa as to where you are to leave your jars and where to pick up the milk in her store. I am so thankful she is willing to do this so we can keep getting our wonderful milk.
Blessing to all, see you Wednesday,
Mary Beth
Tullahoma Locally Grown: Its Boss's Day and Your Market is Open
Good Morning.
Thank you for a successful market day yesterday. Today is Boss’s Day. If you are a boss, we hope you are surprised with a fresh muffin or scone. If you have a boss, consider bringing them a fresh muffin or scone from Fuel So Good Coffee Roasters.
Your Tullahoma Locally Grown Market is now open. Feel free to browse and select your items between now and Wednesday at noon.
Here is the link to the market: Tullahoma Locally Grown Market
Thank you for your support. Have a great day,
Fuel So Good Coffee Roasters