The Weblog

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The Cumming Harvest - Closed:  Happy Thanksgiving!

This is just a reminder that the market will be closed this week to enjoy time with family. We hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Also, we are still looking for a new location to have the market. We are so thankful to our friends, customers and landlord that generously donated our current spot to us for the last 4 years. The building is being sold and so its time to move on.

Ideally a new location would be in Cumming, a warehouse or shared business space with power would be ideal. We would only need to use the space one day a week. If you can think of any ideas let me know.

Again…Happy Thanksgiving!
Suzanne and Bill

Athens Locally Grown:  ALG Reminder: We are closed this week!

Hi there! This is just a reminder that Athens Locally Grown will be closed this week to allow us all to celebrate Thanksgiving. If you need a last minute item from our local farmers, Heirloom Cafe on Chase Street will be hosting a mini version of the Athens Farmers Market from 11-2 on Wednesday.

If you’re still looking for inspiration and recipes, one of my favorite resources, Short Stack Editions, has you covered. Short Stack Editions are bi-monthly booklets that focus on a single ingredient. I’ve been a subscriber since they started, and I look forward to each one. They’ve collected their favorite Thanksgiving recipes in a single PDF and are also posting them individually on their blog, here:

I am very thankful for all the food options available to us provided by members of our community who care about the health of both the people eating the food they provide and the land from which it came from. And I find it very fitting that I get to express these thanks via a meal made from that very same food.

Thanks also to you, and happy Thanksgiving! We’ll see you in two weeks.

Cross Timbers Food Cooperative:  CTFC Market Open for December 5 Pick-up

Hey, folks—

Ordering for the first December delivery is OPEN.

Orders can be placed through Sunday, November 29.

Pickup is from 1:30 – 2:30 PM on Saturday, December 5.

for Cross Timbers Food Cooperative

Cape Locally Grown:  Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! Market is open!
Have great week!

Yalaha, FL:  Thanksgiving week 2015

Not really opening the market this week as I only really have Kale and Celery and a few other things to offer.

If anyone really wants to order or pick something up, please contact us and we can make arrangements for you this week but otherwise we plan to be back on the normal schedule Starting Dec 1, 2015

ALFN Local Food Club:  Market Reminder

Good Morning ALFN Members,

Remember to finalize your orders on the market before Wednesday at noon.


I just received word that Grass Roots Cooperative will not be delivering this weekend. Consequently, if you have already made an order from them, Grass Roots will pull the item from your final invoice. You may want to take this opportunity to find other options in our meat section.

We still have some wonderful items in the market including mixed greens, fruits, green eggs and ham, and…did I see carrots?

I hope everyone has a relaxing Thanksgiving with friends and family surrounded by good food.


Kyle Holton
Program & Market Manager

Old99Farm Market:  Old 99 Farm, week of Nov 22 2015

The cherry tomatoes are holding on in spite of the cold weather. Larger tomatoes are done for this year. Still have peppers and eggplants tho. We have lots of greens and root crops, apples and pastured meats.

Lots of eggs, and a small price increase in case you didn’t notice last week; 2c per egg. We get rave reviews on the flavour of these eggs, probably because of the organic grain they are fed. Maybe because they are happy chickens? doyathink? I encourage you to step up with us and keep the eggs moving off the farm onto your plates…

Here is a link about biochar and the real problem we are already enmeshed in: too much carbon in the air, not enough in the ground: enter biochar to the solution set. Says Albert Banes, “human civilization is already in massive “overshoot” of CO2 emissions to the tune of some 1380 GtCO2 added to the atmosphere after we passed the critical point at around 330 ppm where we guaranteed eventual warming of 2 degrees. This carbon debt is currently increasing at a rate of about 40 GtCO2 per year pushing us further into climate debt and higher up the thermometer. The UN targets for Paris propose an emissions allowance of a further 950 GtCO2 by the end of the century (about 1 trillion tons), which could push temperatures to 5 degrees by then, and much higher later when equilibrium is reached.”

Are you a Hamilton fan? Here’s a look at why that’s not a crazy question: 28 Reasons to absolutely hate Hamilton

Healthy eating
Ian and Cami

Middle Tennessee Locally Grown:  Just a Short Time Left to Order!

Manchester Locally Grown Farmers’ Market

How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook: Manchester Locally Grown Online Farmers’ Market
By e-mail:
By phone: (931) 273-9708
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.

Good evening!

Don’t forget to place your order on Manchester Locally Grown market. The market will be open till 10 pm tonight. Delivery of your order, fresh from local farms, will be made on Wednesday, in time for Thanksgiving. Pickup of your order will be at Square Books, 113 E. Main St, Manchester, from 4:00 to 5:30 on Wednesday. We will not be able to hold your order, but I can deliver to you after 6 pm on Wednesday if needed. Delivery is available this week only, and only in Manchester or Hillsboro areas. Just text or call (931) 273-9708 to be sure I’m still able to make a delivery.

Remember that we are a year-round market, not subject to seasonal closings like the local farm stands and Saturday markets. You will find many items here year-round – beef and pork products; herbal & handmade products; plants for home & garden; milk, eggs, & honey, with seasonal items such as winter vegetables and holiday items when available. We can make you a gift certificate in any denomination. This Thanksgiving or Christmas, give the gift of great local products!

Thanks for your orders last week! Please encourage your local friends and family to shop at our year-round market and support local farmers!


Here is the complete list for this week.

Green Fork Farmers Market:  Market order pickup TIME CHANGE this week

Dear Green Fork Farmers Market Customers,

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday this week, we will open and close earlier on Wednesday to give everyone time to get home and start cooking!

We’ll be open this Wednesday for order pickup from 3:30-5:30 pm.

We have lots of great food for your holiday celebration, so go ahead and place your order and we’ll see you on Wednesday!


Green Fork Farmers Market

Siloam Springs, AR:  Update on Vegetables

Kale and cilantro are available this week from Vang’s Fresh Market. He also still has peanuts available. The market inventory has been updated. Thanks!